Technology & Environment old

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Technology adoption and development is crucial to Runaya’s business, not only to improve the efficiency and productivity but also

work towards a sustainable world.

Runaya’s strength lies in leveraging technology to create positive impact on the environment. Right from the market entry and technology selection, Runaya’s vision to create a sustainable future and direct the company to make responsible investments.

Selecting the right partner for technology adoption and technology development is crucial in the resources sector to “Build Future Positive”.

All the existing operations are environment friendly with zero water discharge, zero process waste disposal to landfill and aim to achieve lowest carbon footprint for the product and service.


Proprietary Technology

The aluminium recovery from the dross processing is done through the proprietary technology, licensed from TAHA. The technology is inherently a low water intensive process and helps in recovering maximum Aluminium from the dross through a procedure called Thermiting. After the Aluminium recovery, the non-metallic dross is processed into briquettes that can be used as Slag Conditioner in steel plants.

Through this process, we are avoiding ~20000 tons of waste disposal to landfill. The technology selection is key in converting the ‘Waste to Wealth’ and thus contributing significantly to the betterment of Environment.

Runaya is aiming to achieve ~100000 tons of dross processing by 2030.

UV Pultrusion Technology

The manufacturing of Fibre Reinforced Plastic is done through UV Pultrusion technology, making it more environment friendly than the conventional Thermal process. The selection of UV pultrusion process gives advantages like high line speed, high productivity, high product output and thus low energy consumption per every kilometre of FRP produced.

Towards a
Sustainable Future-

In line with the existing operations, Runaya’s future investments will be based on environmentally friendly technology selection and responsible products and services.

Going forward, Runaya is also aiming to convert all its electricity consumption to renewable sources.

Runaya is aiming to achieve 100% renewable electricity consumption through technology adoption and strong partnership across our operations.